STREAT helps support the homeless youths in Melbourne Australia.
A real client university project. Our class was tasked to help improve their Melbourne Central Store and find ways to solve its current problems they are facing. We split into different areas and I was tasked to do the packaging for their products.
They lacked their own distinctive packaging so I wanted to create a simple and easy to recognize pattern for their sandwich wrapping papers. They didn’t want to rebrand their logo, so I thought of rearranging their current logo into a easily recognizable pattern to be used. The checkered pattern is to show that deli/diner, and take away theme. It would solve two of their problems of their brand not being recognisable and also help push their take away services.
They were going to be selling jar products in the future, and by re-using the pattern paper as the package for the jars. The staff members will be the ones packaging the products so by making the pattern paper as a universal item for the packaging would make their work much easier.
'Thank You' & 'STR / EAT' stickers were done by another group member.

I compiled everything from the team into a little leave behind booklet for the client to take.